Being a Cowgirl is something I dearly love…..and growing up in the rodeo arena during my childhood has made me very competitive and really close to the rodeo family that I have come to love very much. For the past 5 years I have been showcasing the ranch industry through the Women’s Ranch Rodeo Assoc (WRRA). This is something I have grown to love and enjoy it very much, there isn’t anything better than a group of girls that make Cowboying look easy… here is a short but sweet introduction of the girls on the Rockin P Ranch Rodeo Team…..I wanted to give you all a face with the name, I am sure I will write about our life on the rodeo road in many upcoming post!!
Bobbie…..we all call her “Fatty” as you can tell we have a very hard time keeping her off the buffet line and out of the Dairy Queen……don’t let this pretty face and tiny body fool ya….she is tough and will put her life on the line to chalk a steer when needed. Bobbie is a full time Cowboy for the Chain Ranch in Western Oklahoma and like I said she is tough, not everybody could handle working with a full crew of men. A couple of years ago she wrote a story for the Western Horseman magazine about being a Ranch Hand, if you haven't read it go look it up!! Fatty and the girls…..Bobbie is always mounted on nothing but the best and has a couple of really nice mares she drags around with her, they are her best friends and traveling partners. Last summer Bobbie got me a spot in a Western Movie, we had a wonderful time together…..….this is a blog post all by its self….which she has promised to help me write. Bobbie is a great assist to the team, and it never hurts to have good looks on our side either…… haha!!
Melissa…..I have called her “shorty” from day one which was over 20 years ago. Melissa and I are both from Central Kansas and grew up on the same junior rodeo circuit. Her folks and mine were good friends and we all grew up together, all the way up to high school rodeos and on to the college level also. Now that we are mothers, wives, and cowgirls we still have a great friendship and a ton of things in common. Shorty works in town at a Doctor’s office, but helps her husband Andrew out a lot on the ranch. They live and work for a back grounding yard in East Central Kansas, where they spend most of their time laughing at their 2 daughters Mattie and Adley…..which are cuter then shit and I love just like my own!!! The best part of rodeo is the families you meet…..If it wasn’t for the rodeo arena we would have never met and our kids wouldn’t have the best friends that they do. I love her just like a sister, I know everybody says that…but really she is the kind of friend you can be honest with and they will be honest right back.
Michelle…….we just call her Michelle… Michelle has been on the team for 4 years now and we have become great friends. Michelle is a “hand” to say the least; she ropes really well and makes awesome horses. Her and Jared (husband) live in Southern Oklahoma, okay almost Texas!! Jared works for a local ranch and Michelle is the secretary for the schools, ya I had a hard time believing it too….but she does have this cute little voice she answers the phone to, but don’t flatter yourself she still wears pearl snap shirts, wranglers and boots… In the summer months Michelle day works a lot and rodeos full time. Up until we got her hooked on the WRRA, she Women’s Pro-Rodeoed and was very competitive winning titles left and right. This week they welcomed their first baby into the world….Mr. Ace…which I sure am excited to meet. Michelle was pregnant at out WRRA finals last October but wanted to tell her family at Christmas so she keep it from us girls as well….I never did get to see her in the “big” belly stage and wish I would have. There is a “life on the rodeo road” blog post coming up that is about Michelle….stay turned and I’m sure of many funny stories ahead as my 2 and Melissa’s girls teach Ace all kinds of good tricks of becoming a Cowhand!!And of course there is Me……they call me “Potty Mouth Potter”……ya well I guess it fits me good…..hehe!!
Well that is the team….between the 4 of us and a few subs here and there we hit as many rodeos as our busy lives will allow us. I’m thankful every day for the great friendships that rodeoing has brought in to my life!
2010 WRRA Year End Champs.....after a long road!! More on this story later! |
What a group of talented, beautiful, rowdy HANDS! Glad to know you all!