Little things we do day in and day out with out even thinking about it....
- picking up a cup
- brushing our teeth
- buttoning our pants
- opening a can of pop
Then there is the list of things that Cowboys do every day with a little thought....
- saddling a horse
- making a loop in your rope
- stopping to open a gate....

Young man in years...... Adult in try, heart and hope!!
At the young age of almost 17, Tyler was in a electrical accident... being outside and working like a dog were Tyler's favorite things to do... well for that matter they still are!! Spraying weeds on the wide open prairie on a 4-wheeler enjoying a nice day will for ever be in his soul....
After months and months in the hospital, Tyler was sent home to live life as best as he could with no arms and short a toe or two..... Feeling sorry for him self and sitting around wondering why me... were not something he did.... Instead he figured out how to rig up everything on the place so that he could go on with what he would soon know as everyday life with both arms being prosthetic
... and when I say rig... I mean Cowboy Rig... Everything...
- leather strips on his zippers
- bridle reins now have a handy little gripper on them
- ropes shortened with no coils to get in the way
- cell phone rigged for a quick grab when the girls start texting... yes he even text messages..
High School, College Student, Excellent Shooter-Hunter and Crazy Ass ATV Driver are just a few of his life achievements..... but being a great COWBOY has got to be at the top of the list!!
I have had the pleasure of working with Tyler several times... riding with him, having him ride behind me in a big gathering or heck even in a wreck is a pleasure... He is there every time!!!
In the branding pen Tyler takes his turn roping just like all the cowboys..... Getting his gear all just right, which includes the reins in the mouth and loop in hand he gives us all a run for our money!!! With misses few and far between... rebuilding a loop is still a challenge... But not to this Cowboy.... It is an honor to run into the herd and rebuild for him... but you better be quick or he will have already beat ya to it by snaggin it on his boot toe or the saddle horn and sliding the slack through.

As most of us get caught up in life and we all feel sorry for our selves every now and then.... Working with Tyler will have you feeling guilty in about 30 seconds.....
So THANK YOU Tyler for being such a example in Life and reminding me of the small things... even if it is wrapping up a burrito at Cow Camp.... Its my pleasure to make you as many burritos as your skinny ass can eat!!!...
So, enjoy the big things in life........... but never forget the small things!!