"I want to be know as one of the Cowboys, not just another Cowboy's wife"

Friday, September 16, 2011

Seein' My Father in Me....

Yesterday as we were processing a couple loads of cattle I got to watching Colton work.......Someone once describe him as a young "Manager"....(that special someone was Papa).  Always looking for a way to make things run better, faster, and of course smoother.......His ideas always start with "It'd be better if you take them through that gate, down that ally"......" You can figure out the rest of the story....haha

Well yesterday we didn't have time for a new idea, it was already late evening and we had 175 to process before dark. Not to mention the chores, homework, baths, and supper that had to be done as well.  Everybody went to their position. I always run shots on off side, Fred cuts ear tags out, Chris runs the chute-brands, and Colt pushing cattle keeping the chute full at all times, no matter what he has to do Chris better not EVER say "More Cattle Boy"....Colt takes great pride in that job and of course making his Dad proud. We all do whatever needs to be done at the moment, whether its your job or not......
As I looked though the chute to double check the safety of my babies (just like any good ole Momma Cow would do) I couldn't help but to notice my little man. Running the chute, branding the cattle, keeping the tub full, when the steer was done I heard him say "outside" and on to the next one we went.......it hit me like a ton of bricks....HE IS GROWING UP....and in just a few years he will be off making his own adventures in Life. I wondered to my self...'What kind of man will he be? Husband? Father? or just an ole drifting Cowboy traveling the land'.   I have no doubt in my mind no matter what he does in life he will be good at it and will love it with all his heart. He was grown up watching his Dad do this to so many things and he doesn't know any other way. For a young mother this can cause great heartache when you combine sadness and pride all in the same beat.

Colton Branding

Chris Branding

    20 Years Difference.....

This summer Colt has really stepped up from a small boy to good hand....Driving trucks here and there, roping cattle on his own, and of course making Dad proud. After a morning of helping his Dad doctoring cattle I heard him taking off his boots on the front porch.."Mom, guess what I did?......I rope 2 head and tied them down all by my self"................Chris came in the house and just in time to say "True Story, Mom"....After hearing all about the sick cattle and how many they roped, long story short they had 5 to doctor. Colt took 2 down to the bottom, roped and tied them down while Chris stayed on top and doctored the other 3. Once again proud Dad..................and Mom.
Working together flanking calves at good friend David Chambers Ct Ranch

I hear this song every once in a while on the radio and it brings a warm feeling to my soul

Yeah, I'm seein' my father in me
I guess that's how it's meant to be
And I find I'm more and more like him each day
I notice I walk the way he walks
I notice I talk the way he talks
I'm startin' to see my father in me
To the two men in my life I am most proud of........